Is Avocado Toast Healthy?
Before avocado toast took over in the late 2010s, most people just spread butter and jelly over their toast. Avocado toast is a healthier alternative to that. Ripe avocados spread just like butter and are just as tasty. Avocados [...]
Have a Sweet Tooth? We Can Help
It is true that fruits have natural sugars in them that can satisfy most any sweet-tooth. But for that person who needs extra we can scratch that sweet-tooth itch by sprinkling your delicious fruit bowl with chocolate. That's right, just [...]
Feeding the Immune System
The purpose of food, of course, is to supply our bodies with energy. The energy comes in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These molecules are delivered to us by the food we choose to eat daily. But we [...]
We are Open Now After the Pandemic Shutdown
The country, in fact the world was shut down for two months or so because of the corona-virus Covid-19. This deadly virus made its way to every continent but Antarctica. We all sheltered in place in order to prevent the [...]
Have You Tried Avocado Toast?
A very popular item on our menu is avocado toast. As you may have guessed or already know, this is fresh avocado on toast. But, there are several ways you can order it. The OG - This is fresh avocado [...]